Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Inflight Viewing: Bad News Bears (1.5/4 stars) and The Perfect Man (0.5/4 stars)

So I was stuck on Thai Air because it had the only sensible flights to Bangkok from Manila. No, we didn't get personal screens (Sing Air has me spoiled) but I still ended up watching the inflight offering both ways. Not what I would have picked given a decent selection, but there was no selection.

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I like Billy Bob, and he's fun in his drunken bastard mode. Unfortunately, he already did the definitive drunk bastard in Bad Santa, so Billy Morris Bob Buttermaker is less mean and cranky than Billy Santa Bob Claus. But he's still fun no matter what.

This is a formula "kids' team makes bad coach better, better coach makes team winner" movie, played out on a little league baseball diamond. They elect for the moral victory as the ending for this one. Director Rich Linklater toes the line between trying to make something of this and mailing it in, but in the end decides to just mail it in. He gets nothing from the kids, except maybe for first-timer spitfire Sammi Kane Kraft as the team's girl pitcher (probably because she really IS a pitcher). I guess working with Julie Delpy and Ethan Hawke all the time spoils you.

Bottom Line: Watch it to see drunken bastard Billy Bob, but if you've seen Bad Santa, then you're not missing anything.

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Gaaak a Hilary Duff film. At least it's got a semblace of a rom-com, so I hoped that the film isn't all about the Duff.

Sadly, it was all about the Duff.

In this trainwreck, Duff attempts to steer her relationship-impaired mom (Heather Locklear, looking not a day over 40) away from guys she considers less-than-perfect. She does this by creating a "Perfect Man" out of thin air, using the opinions of hunky-but-apparently-engaged Chris "Mr. Big" Noth.

It's not funny, it's not romantic, and it's simply not entertaining.

Bottom Line: Pass. Please.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rotten Tomatoes provided some excellent quotes on this film, like "The perfect man would call a social worker."