Wednesday, May 24, 2006

It's Another Third Installment, This Time a "Last Stand"

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Slick Wolvie-oriented poster aside, am I the only one who's apprehensive about it despite having seen the trailer? So it's going to be Xavier vs. Magneto, one of the staples of early X-Men storylines. Whoopee. They're packing more muties into the film than ever before, including Angel, The Beast, Jugs and the appearance of Dark Phoenix. Whoopee. Despite the gaudy visuals, I have huge reservations about the screenplay which is being written by a guy who's got Mr. & Mrs. Smith and xXx: State of the Union as his major credits. His co-writer? He wrote Elektra and X2. (X2 wasn't bad because Bryan Singer helmed it.)

Director Brett Ratner's main credits are the cop comedy Rush Hour (and its sequel), plus the tepid After the Sunset.

Can the novelty of seeing and hearing Kelsey Grammer as Hank McCoy sustain interest in this potential train wreck? I'm probably going to find out in the theater. Fingers, crossed.

PS: If this makes money, no way is this going to be a "Last Stand" even if the Wolverine solo film materializes.

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